Vitamin is Needs At Every Age and what age should you take more vitamins?


(VITAMIN) Do you feel tired? Do you feel lazy doing any work? If yes, then there may be a deficiency of vitamins in your body. So, let us know how many vitamins are needed at what age.

What are vitamins?

ā€“ These are the nutrients that regulate the metabolism of the body.

  • The main vitamins are A, B, C, D, E, and K.
  • Vitamin A, D, E, and K are stored in the body and are used when needed.
  • Vitamin B and C are not stored in the body. They have to be taken daily.
  • A balanced diet is very important for a healthy body so that all the vitamins are available to the body.
  • Especially women in every age of age, such as ā€“ period, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, etc., many important needs Vitamins are required.
  • Due to not eating nutritious food, there are many changes in the body due to which there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Letā€™s know from Dr. Ankush Sharma which vitamins are helpful in keeping us healthy at what age.

Ages 20 to 30


At this age, time is short. The burden of studies and job work is more on him. Due to this, many people are unable to have breakfast in the morning. When hungry, eat sweet, fried-roasted, salty, biscuits easily. Due to this, there is a shortage of fibers in the body, which causes constipation and other stomach problems. High blood pressure may also occur later.


  • Calcium is very important for our heart, muscles, and nervous system to function properly. Lack of this causes weak bones and fractures.
  • Even after 20 years of age, bone density keeps increasing, so eat green vegetables, milk, curd, buttermilk, eggs, and fish daily or eat one of the foods in the calcium rich food chart given daily.
  • Sometimes our body with food Can not absorb the calcium available. In this case, take calcium supplements with the advice of a doctor.
  • At this age, 500 to 800 grams of calcium is required daily.

vitamin D

  • It is found in the body through morning sunlight, egg yolk, fish, liver, and milk.
  • It is required for the absorption of calcium in the body. If vitamin D is too low, then the body cannot get calcium, so vitamin D supplements have to be taken.
  • At this age, 400 to 600 grams of vitamin D is required daily.

vitamin C

  • It is found in citrus fruits, such as lemon, orange, mosambi, tomato, etc. Iron is not absorbed in the body when its quantity is reduced. So take vitamin C supplements.
  • Vitamin B6 and B12- These vitamins are found in boiled eggs, chicken breast, milk, and low fat yogurt.
  • Nowadays deficiency of Vitamin B6 and B12 has been observed in the youth. So get the checkup done and consult a doctor.
  • At this age, vitamin B6 200 grams and B12 400 grams should be taken daily.

Folic acid

  • Folic acid is found in beans, green vegetables, and oranges.
  • Women who want to conceive, need more folic acid.
  • Due to the low amount of it in pregnant women, birth defects can occur in a newborn baby, so be sure to consult a doctor and start taking supplements.

Ages 30 to 50

Young woman taking medicine


  • At this age, the bone mass gradually decreases, so more calcium is required.
  • 1000 grams of calcium should be taken daily, this reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

vitamin D

  • At this age, vitamins D is not absorbed properly in the body. Therefore, take 600 grams of vitamin D on the doctorā€™s advice.


  • For women whose periods are going on ie menopause is not possible, they should take iron supplements.

vitamin C

  • Do take vitamin C with the doctorā€™s advice.

Folic acid

  • Pregnant women get their checkups done periodically and take vitamin supplements if needed.

Vitamin B6 and B12

  • Vitamin B6 and B12 are deficient in old age. Therefore, it is necessary to take their supplements. Vitamin B6 and B12 should be taken at least 400 grams twice daily, but before taking them, please consult the doctor.

Omega 3

  • Estrogen hormone levels decrease after menopause. This increases the risk of heart disease. Omega 3 fatty acids are very essential for a healthy heart. It is found in fish and walnuts. Must use them in food.
  • Read More:- Ashwagandha Benefits and Side effects

Ages 50 to 70

vitamin pill


  • Calcium is required by every age. 1200 grams of calcium daily for the strength of bones especially at this age Should be taken.

vitamin D

  • As age increases, the skinā€™s ability to absorb vitamin D from the sunā€™s rays decreases. Women should take multivitamins, which contain both calcium and vitamin D, to compensate for this damage. 600 to 800 grams of vitamin D should be taken daily at this age.


  • Iron is needed in small amounts at this age, especially if menopause has occurred. Therefore, do not take such multivitamins that contain iron without the advice of the doctor.

Vitamin B6 and B12

  • Vitamin B6 is necessary for the growth and memory of red blood cells and B12 nerve cells. By this age, there is a lot of deficiency of these vitamins in the body, so take their supplements with the advice of a doctor.

Omega 3

  • Take foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids. Also, take fish oil capsules, but do consult a doctor.
  • Note:- Take the dose as advised by the doctor. Excessive intake can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or upset stomach.


  1. […] Vitamin C is essential for your immune system and it protects you from free radicals and promotes the consumption of iron in your body. Generally, Indian people get enough vitamin C from their daily diet. But if you want to avoid viral diseases, boost immunity, make skin beautiful and want to stay young for a long time, then you should eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C. You should know about the following 6 types of fruits, which contain more vitamin C than oranges. Also Read:- Vitamin is Needs At Every Age and what age should you take more vitamins? Click Here […]


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