Anguina tritici (wheat seed gall nematode)

Anguina tritici

Anguina tritici (wheat seed gall nematode, ear-cockle nematode) is a plant pathogenic nematode.

Anguina:– snake like

Specific name after host i.e Triticum

Systematic position:-

Phylum Nematoda
Class Secernentea
Order Tylenchida
Family Anguinidae
Genus Anguina
Species tritici

Generic Diagnosis of Anguina:-

Female Diagnostic Feature(Anguina):-

Anguina tritici
Anguina tritici (female)
  • Female coiled like a snake, obese in middle, elongated about 2.36-4.66mm.
  • Stylet longer but spear poorly developed.
  • Ovary single raches present, oocytes in multiple rows, traverse from oesophageal gland to posterior part, vulva posterior.
  • Tail elongated, conoid as subterminal anus.
  • Oesophagus long and oesophageal gland dorsally developed.

Diagnostic Feature of Male:

  • Male are comparatively smaller than female about 2-2.5 mm in length.
  • These are more straight.
  • One pair of broader and shorter spicules.
  • Bursa donot covered the entire tail.
  • Tail longer and conoid.

Host and Distribution:-

Host are member of poaceae family majorly wheat but can infect barley also.

These are distributed worldwide in India most of states growing wheat. It is also known as wheat seed gall nematode.

Read More:– Pratylenchus penetrans (lesion Nematode) Click Here

Biology and life cycle:-

  • When an infected seed (seed gall or cockled seed is used during sowing, then the crop may be infected.
  • During growing phase (after 20-25 days) of germination, 2nd stage juveniles come out and start feeding ectoparasitically on newly growing leaves sheath.
  • It starts moulting (3 successive moulting) and turns into an adult.
  • During this time it infect the developing inflorescence as endoparasite.
  • The earhead having both male and female therefore individual starts copulation.
  • Eggs are laid by female, in bunch.
  • Developing seeds are replaced by oocytes.
  • This time earhead turns black or brown color Called gall stage.
  • The single wheat gall of earhead contains about 2000-3000 quiescent oocytes.

Read More:Reniform Nematodes (Rotylenchulus Nematode) Click Here


  • Curling or twisting of leaves.
  • Swelling at the base of the stem during the growing phase.
  • Profused tendril formation
  • Wheat seed gall, cockle formation taking place.

Management of Anguina tritici:- use gall free certified seed for sowing.



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