Radopholus similis (Burrowing nematode)


Radopholus similis (Burrowing nematode). The generic term Radopholus derived from two Greek words.

Redix  = root (it is endoparasitic)

Phelien = loving

The common name was coined after burrowing and migratory habit of nematode.

Systematic position:-

Phylum Nematoda
Class Secernentea
Order Tylenchida
Family Pratylencuidae
Genus Radopholus
Species similis

Diagnostic Features:-

  • Vermiform elongated worm with 0.3-0.8mm length.
  • Head knobbed, comprises piercing apparatus
  • Stylet spear-shaped with the broad knob.
  • Body cutacularized excretory pore is oesophageal region.
  • Anterior extremity blust, while posteriorly conoid with a rounded tail.
  • Oesophageal gland present, overlapping intestine dorsally.

Diagnostic Features of Female Radopholus:-

Burrowing nematode
  • Female: vermipre, prominent sclerotized.
  •  Head with strong piercing apparatus.
  • stylet present with a broad knob.
  • Oesophageal glands developed and dorsally overlapped to the intestine.
  • Vulva median, ovary single (monodelphic and prodelphic).
  • Tail long, conoid, blunt-ended.

Diagnostic Features of Male Radopholus:-

Radopholus similis
  • Body slender with poorly developed feeding apparatus.
  • Thin stylet with a reduced knob.
  • Spicules one pair, almost equal.
  • Tail conoid with caudal alae.
  • Caudal alae extended up to 2/3 of tail length.
  • Oesophagous and oesophagous gland poorly developed.

Distribution and Host:-

  • These are majorly inhabited in tropical and subtropical parts.
  •  But there are distributed worldwide from Europe to Africa
  • In India, these were introduced in Kerala through banana suckers.
  • Right now these are found in the southern and western ghat region as well as the northeastern part of the country.
  • There is a wide range of hosts.
  • But they are found to be infested in banana, coffee, tea, sugarcane, tobacco, etc.
  • Microhabitat is root.

Read More:– Pratylenchus penetrans (lesion Nematode) Click Here

Biological and life cycle:-

  • Mature worms reproduce sexually throughout the year.
  • Because of migratory and endoparasitic behavior, female migrated to the root cortex and laid their egg randomly
  • Mature eggs hatched into juveniles. All life stages are infections except males because of poorly developed feeding apparatus (indirect developed).
  • Life cycle completed in 4-6 weeks at 25-30 °C temperature.
  • Randopholus similis can survive up to 6 months are not available and after that can infect a new host.

Read More:Reniform Nematodes (Rotylenchulus Nematode) Click Here

Management of Radopholus:-

  • Roots with numerous pores in growth zone.
  • Severe infection causes rooting of roots.
  • Later stages of crop turned into yellowing or premature aging forms.
  • Falling of leaves and stem.
  • Infection can be controlled by proper disposal of infected ratoon.
  • Used resistant varieties of crop.
  • Treated soil free from nematodes and life stages
  • Water treatment with effective organophosphates.
  • Biological controls can be applied through predatory insect and hyper parasitic bacteria.

Read More: Anguina tritici (wheat seed gall nematode) Click Here


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