Boost Your Immunity With Fruits That Have More Vitamin C Than Oranges

vitamin c fruits

The whole world is in the grip of the epidemic named Corona (COVID-19) in the beginning of 2020. Strengthening hygiene and immunity is the way to avoid this disease. Vitamin C is a nutrient that can increase your immunity. A medium orange contains more than 68 mg of vitamin C, which is sufficient for your daily needs.

Vitamin C is essential for your immune system and it protects you from free radicals and promotes the consumption of iron in your body. Generally, Indian people get enough vitamin C from their daily diet. But if you want to avoid viral diseases, boost immunity, make skin beautiful and want to stay young for a long time, then you should eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C. You should know about the following 6 types of fruits, which contain more vitamin C than oranges. Also Read:- Vitamin is Needs At Every Age and what age should you take more vitamins? Click Here

These fruits and vegetables contain more vitamin C than oranges (Vitamin C Rich Fruits and Vegetable)



Pineapple is a nutritious fruit. In which a good amount of vitamin C is found. Manganese is also found in this fruit, which is found in very few things. It contains 87.7% of vitamin C daily requirement. Therefore, you can also include this fruit in your diet.

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Vitamin C in Lemon

Vitamin C fruits
Vitamin C in Lemon

Lemon is also found to be rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. They kill harmful pathogens in your body and strengthen your immune system. It also contains vitamin B6, thiamine, acid, copper, and manganese. There is 77 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams of lemon. Which is 92% of the daily requirement. It has anti-oxidant properties which prevent any vegetable or fruit from turning brown.

Also Read:- What to eat to increase immunity? (Top Immunity booster food) Click Here

Red and Yellow Capsicum

Red and Yellow Capsicum

This vegetable is full of antioxidants and is very beneficial for your eyes and heart. They also contain vitamin C which increases your collagen level and keeps you away from cancer. 100 grams of capsicum contains 242 mg of vitamin C. Therefore, one capsicum provides you 72% of the vitamin C per day.

Also Read:- What to eat to increase immunity? (Top Immunity booster food) Click Here


amla Vitamin C fruits

It is an Indian fruit, which contains many nutrients and provides us with many health benefits. It also contains anti-oxidants which are healthy for your nervous system and your immune system. One gooseberry gives you 46% of the vitamin C you need daily. Amla also contains manganese, which cures our mentabolism, bone formation, reproduction, and immunity.

King of Fruits Mangoes


Mango is said to be the king of fruits. Everyone likes to eat mangoes during the summer season. It helps in strengthening your immunity as well as reducing your weight. Mango contains vitamin A which is beneficial for your eyes. A medium size mango can give you about 122.3 mg of vitamin C per day.



Guava is very nutritious. It is also low in calories. A guava contains about 37 calories, 8 grams of carb and 3 grams of fiber. But guava contains more vitamin C than oranges. In a 100 gram guava, more than 200 grams of nutrients are found. To take advantage of this, you should eat guava without peeling. But you must wash it well before eating.



Kiwi is mainly the fruit of China. But now it has started growing in more countries. Kiwis have more vitamin C than oranges. A kiwi contains 64 mg of vitamin C. You get more than 164 mg of vitamin C in a cup of kiwi slices.

Vitamin C is very good for your body especially your immunity. Therefore, you can include the above mentioned fruits in your diet to overcome its deficiency.



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