How to Start a Dairy Farming Business? Full Information on Dairy Farming


Milk animals such as cows, buffaloes, goats, and their milk business are called dairy farming. Dairy farming is a very easy and profitable business which is done with hard work and perseverance, good profit can be obtained. It is very easy to open a dairy farm in India because the demand for dairy products in India is increasing day by day.

Today, dairy farming has become a business that is providing employment to millions of people. It is a thriving business that can be successfully established everywhere. That is why many professional people like engineers, doctors, etc. are also joining it and earning millions.

Full Information on Dairy Farming

In this milk producing business we raise animals and obtain milk from these animals and distribute them in the markets or nearby villages. If you do dairy farming on a large scale, you can contact the milk companies and supply milk to them, which gives a good income.

1. Cattle Information

The most important issue when opening a dairy farm is the selection of milch animals such as cows, buffaloes, so when opening a dairy farm, we should choose the cow, buffalo, what breed the cow, buffalo is and the physical condition of the milk. Gives so much Because our dairy farm depends on buffalo and cow only.

Read More- Indigenous Cattle Breeds of India

2. About Complete Information of Cattle Diseases

If you want to open a dairy farm, then you should know the main diseases of cows and buffalo. Because if you are not aware of diseases of cow, buffalo then you will not know about many fatal diseases of your cow, buffalo and it will give less milk and eventually it can also die and you may have to suffer heavy losses.

3. Proper Feeding to Cattles

The third main point in the dairy farms is cows and buffaloes. Because if your cattle are healthy, they will be healthy and they will also give more quantity of milk, so you should provide green fodder, dry fodder, grain, allotment, husk, etc. to the cows.

4. How to Collect Milk Information from Milk From Cattles?

You should also know how to extract milk in dairy farms. If your dairy form is big then you can buy milk dispenser.

Dairy farming

Advantages of Dairy Farming Business in India

Every business has some advantages and disadvantages, similarly, dairy farming also has advantages and precautions. Out of which the advantages of business are as follows.

1. We can get money by selling milk in the market that we get by dairy farming. Because today the demand of milk is increasing very much all over India.

2. We can also increase the fertility of the fields by using manure produced from animals in our fields. Thus dairy farms are also environmentally friendly.

3. We can make dung gas from cow dung obtained from animals, which is used as fuel.

4.The biggest advantage of the dairy industry is that it does not require skilled laborers, even the household people can do it easily.

Other Connected Business With Dairy Farming in India

1. Milk Business

The main business of dairy farming is milk business. Milk is collected from large dairy farms and filled in tankers and goes to milk factories where after checking the milk, the milk is sent in packets to be sold for sale, which gives employment to many people.

2. Animal Breeding

The other main benefit of dairy farming is animal breeding. In cattle culture, cow buffalo of indigenous breeds are introduced to cow buffalo of foreign breeds and new varieties of milch breeds are developed.

3. Other Business

Other industries related to milk products are also established. In which ghee industry, paneer industry, khoya industry, ice cream industry are also developing, whose foundation is dairy farming.

Training for Dairy Farming Business

There are many people who start a dairy farming business but they have to face loss due to not knowing enough. Therefore, before starting dairy farming, we need to be trained or aware of it.

There are many types of institutes open in India for dairy farming training from where you can establish a dairy farming business by obtaining information and training related to dairy farming.

The National Dairy Institute (NDRI) based in Karnal (Haryana) imparts training on dairy farming every month, in which the institute conducts a 6-day training program, ranging from the selection of animals to their maintenance to animal feed to milk and milk products. Information about marketing is provided.

Training programs of this dairy industry are also organized from time to time in agricultural schools and government animal husbandry centers. From where anyone can get a career in dairy farming by getting training.

Investment in Dairy Farming Business Plan

It is a simple business that can be easily set up. But before that, you should make a plan about the investment in the dairy industry, what size dairy farm you want to open. Dairy farms can generally be opened in three formats.

1. Small Project Dairy Farming

On a small scale, you can easily establish a dairy farm. If you are self-sufficient and have little money, then a small scale dairy farm will be right for you and you can also set it up at home.

For this, you will need at least 6 cows or buffaloes which are of good breed, and give 6 to 7 liters of milk at least once. In this way, you will be able to produce about 60 liters of milk a day, if you sell milk at Rs 40 a liter, then the earning of one day will be Rs 2400 which includes the food and other expenses of the animals. In this way, you can put a month figure.

A milch breed has a buffalo price of at least 50000. Therefore, you may have to invest at least one to two to four lakhs in it.

You can also take a loan from the bank to set up this business and many schemes are also run from time to time by the government to develop dairy farming, which you can also take of advantage.

2. Medium Project Dairy Farming

You can also do dairy farming on a medium scale. For which you should have at least 15 to 20 cows or buffaloes, which are of good breed and also give 7 or 8 liters of milk, and you can buy such animals easily from the portal made by the government or from animal fairs. .

For medium scale dairy farming, you should have 1500 square feet of land and also have to pay proper attention to their food and drink. You may have to invest Rs 25 to 30 lakhs in it.

3. Large scale dairy farming Big Project Dairy Farming Business

To start a large scale dairy farming business, we need sufficient space. For this, there should be land around 5000 square feet and also we need some workers to arrange fodder for their care.

In large-scale dairy farms, we raise at least 30 to 50 animals. The minimum expenditure in this comes to around 50 to 75 lakhs. Which we can establish either by ourselves or by taking a loan from a bank.

How to do marketing for dairy farming?

Products derived from dairy farming, milk, curd butter are many such products, whether demand in India is increasing continuously even abroad. Therefore, we do not require much marketing to produce dairy farming.

Their demand is so much today that we can sell our dairy products from our home. If you produce more than 500 liters of milk, you can contact the milk factories and supply them.

There is a saying that what one sees is sold. In today’s time, marketing is very important because it cannot be predicted when the competition of the business will increase, so marketing puts any business one step ahead of others.

(Dairy Farming Marketing Guide) –

By Distributing Pamphlets in Nearby Villages
You can print and distribute pamphlets in your next-door villages. So that people get accurate information about your dairy business address and services.

Advertisement in Newspapers
Even today there are many places where people prefer to read newspapers. In such homes, you can provide your dairy business with your own information through newspaper advertisements.

Using Banners in Your City and Village by placing banners and posters on the squares
We still keep an eye on big and attractive posters, so if you have a budget, then put some big banners at crowded intersections.

By Tying up With Similar Business Partners
This process is called cross advertising, in which you can advertise each other by a tie-up with other businesses that are different from the dairy business. The best examples of cross advertising can be Dominos and Pepsi.

Advertise your Organic Milk Business on Social Media by promoting organic products on social media
Today’s time is digital marketing, that is, those who ignore digital are lagging behind. You can also digitally market your dairy business. Which organic products can be kept as a center because the demand for organic products is very high in the market at this time.


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