10 Reasons You Need Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Your Diet

omega 3

Omega 3 Benefits

What is omega 3? It provides many powerful health benefits for your body and brain. There are three types of omega 3 which are ALA, EPA, and DHA fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are incredibly important to our body but our body cannot make it on its own, and these are polyunsaturated fats that we can get from many supplements or food items, but only under the supervision of a physician.

In fact, some nutrients have been studied as well as omega 3 fatty acids.

Here in this article, we have told 10 health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids, which you may not know.

Omega 3 Benefits for Health

1. Relieve Depression and Anxiety

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the world. Symptoms include general loss of sadness, lethargy and always being depressed in life. Anxiety is also a common disorder characterized by constant anxiety and nervousness.

Interestingly, studies have indicated that people who regularly consume omega 3 are less likely to be depressed.

When people with depression or anxiety start taking omega 3 supplements, their symptoms improve.

There are three types of omega 3 which are ALA, EPA and DHA fatty acids. Of the three, EPA is the best at fighting depression.

One study also found EPA as a common antidepressant drug effective against depression. Omega 3 supplements can help prevent and treat depression and anxiety. EPA is most effective in fighting depression.

2. For Improve Eye Health

DHA is a type of omega 3, which is a major structural component of the retina of your eye.

When you do not get enough DHA, problems with your vision can arise.

An omega 3 fatty acid called DHA is a major structural component of your eye’s retina. This can help prevent macular degeneration, which can lead to vision loss and blindness.

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3. Omega 3 Promote Brain Health During Pregnancy And Early Life

Omega 3 is important for brain development in infants. DHA provides 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in your brain and 60% in the retina of your eye.

Consuming enough omega 3 during pregnancy is associated with many benefits for your baby:

  • High intelligence.
  • Better communication and social skills.
  • Decreased risk of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), autism and cerebral palsy, etc.

Getting enough omega 3 during pregnancy and early life is important for your baby’s development. Supplementing is associated with higher intelligence and lower risk of many diseases.

4. Helpful to Cure Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response to infection and damage in your body.

However, sometimes inflammation persists for a long time even without infection or injury. This is called chronic or long-term inflammation.

In particular, omega 3 fatty acids can reduce the production of inflammation-associated molecules and substances, such as inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines.

Studies have consistently observed an association between reduced inflammation with high omega 3 intake.

5. Can Fight Autoimmune Diseases

Type 1 diabetes is a prime example in which your immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas. Omega 3 can withstand some of these diseases and may be particularly important during early life.

Omega 3 also helps treat lupus, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and psoriasis.

6. Can Help Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in this modern world, and omega 3 fatty acids have long been claimed to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Interestingly, studies show that people who consume the most omega 3 have a lower risk of colon cancer by up to 55%.

Additionally, omega 3 intake is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. However, not all studies give similar results.

7. Can Reduce Asthma in Children

Asthma is a chronic lung disease with symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Severe asthma attacks can be very dangerous. They are caused by inflammation in the airways of your lungs.

Asthma rates in the US have been increasing over the past few decades. Several studies link omega 3 consumption with a lower risk of asthma in children and young adults.

8. Reduce the Pain of Menstruation

There is menstrual pain in your lower abdomen and pelvis and often radiates to your lower back and thighs. This can significantly affect the quality of your life.

However, studies have repeatedly proved that women who consume the most omega 3 have less menstrual pain. One study also determined that an omega 3 supplement was more effective than ibuprofen in treating severe pain during menstruation.

9. Can Improve Sleep

Good sleep is one of the foundations of optimal health. Studies of several diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and depression, found that they lack sleep.

Low levels of omega 3 fatty acids have been associated with sleep problems in children and obstructive sleep apnea in adults.

Omega 3 fatty acids, in particular, low levels of DHA are also associated with lower levels of the hormone melatonin, which helps you get restful sleep.

Studies in both children and adults show that supplementing with omega 3 increases sleep delay and quality.

10. Benefits For Skin

DHA is a structural component of your skin. Reducing premature aging of your skin.

EPA (a type of omega 3) also benefits your skin in many ways:

  • Managing your skin’s oil production and hydration.
  • Preventing hyperkeratinization of the hair follicles, which often appears as small red bumps on the upper arms.
  • Reducing premature aging of your skin.
  • Reducing the risk of acne.
  • The benefits of omega 3 can also protect your skin from sun damage.
  • EPA helps release substances that remove collagen in your skin after sunlight.
  • Read More: What To Eat After Workout?

Sources of Omega 3:

Here we have explained the sources of Omega 3 here, which you should know –

Omega 3 can be obtained from eggs:

Eggs contain protein, a variety of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins. You can include eggs in your diet. You get about 225 milligrams of fatty acid from an egg. If you have cholesterol-related problems, consult a doctor before eating eggs.

Omega 3 can be obtained from walnuts:

You can consume walnuts to supply omega 3. You get about 2542 milligrams of omega 3 fatty acids from about 7 walnuts. In addition to omega 3 walnuts contain many nutritious ingredients. It contains significant amounts of magnesium, copper and vitamin E.

Omega 3 can be obtained from soybean:

Soybeans also contain omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. About 1443 milligrams of omega 3 to 100 grams of soybeans can be found. Apart from this, you get many types of vitamins and minerals from soybeans. Soybean is considered the main source of fiber, protein, vitamin K, folate, magnesium, and potassium.

Benefits Can Be Obtained From Cauliflower:

About 37 mg of omega 3 is found in 100 grams of cauliflower. In addition to calcium, niacin, and potassium, other nutrients are also found in cauliflower.

Omega 3 can be obtained from tuna fish:

There are several species of tuna in which different amounts of omega 3 are found. In which omega 3 is more, you should take fish of the same species. You get about 1414 milligrams of omega 3 from 85 grams of tuna, this amount can vary depending on the species of fish.

Omega 3 can be obtained from salmon fish:

Salmon fish is counted among the richest fish for omega 3.

So above here you have known the benefits of Omega 3 and what are the sources, let’s now know what are the disadvantages of Omega 3 –

The side effects of omega 3 are explained in detail below:

Taking omega 3 medications can rapidly increase your blood sugar level: Omega 3 supplementation with diabetes medication can harm. If this happens, your blood sugar level may increase due to this.

There is also a possibility of blood thinning.

Taking omega 3 supplements can reduce your BP: People taking low blood pressure medication should be cautious in taking it.

Omega 3 can cause problems with your intestines: You may have problems mainly due to nausea and poor taste in the mouth by taking fish oil supplements. Taking omega 3 supplements can also cause diarrhea, belching, acidity, flatulence, and chest irritation.

Hope after knowing all these qualities, you will never have to say what are the Benefits, sources, and disadvantages of Omega 3.


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